Learning first aid and obtaining certification ensures that you can help provide care to someone in need around you in the event of an actual emergency requiring first aid care. Ameri Immunization & Wellness Center provides a classroom, video-based and instructor-led first aid class for higher schoolers, to teach them about first aid basics of care. This course teaches participants critical skills and important knowledge that is needed in order to respond to an emergency in the first few critical moments, before emergency medical services arrive to take over and manage the care of a patient in need.
What You’ll Learn
Some of the topics you will learn in first aid classes includes: injury emergencies, medical emergencies, first aid basics, and environmental emergencies. As an important note, CPR training is not taught in this class. As part of your first aid certification, you will learn your role as a provider of this aid. Students will learn how to recognize emergencies, how to move someone safely and the importance of precautions during this time of emergency or medical crisis. These emergencies can include severe allergic reactions and how to properly administer and use an Epi-pen, as well as the proper care of a patient during accident injuries or even what to do when a person is suspected to have suffered or experienced a heart attack.
The students in this class will learn how to control bleeding, how to assess and treat injuries to the patient’s limbs and how to work with providing burns and minor injuries. Other emergencies which will be discussed in the class will be what to do to manage a patient with suspected cardiac arrest when someone is having chest pains or chest discomfort, trouble breathing or how to handle a patient who has shortness of breath. After completing the first aid class, a certification which is valid for two years is received by all participants who pass and finish the class.
Learn More From Our Expert Team Today
Ultimately, after you’ve learned this important information and skills, you should know your boundaries as someone who has first aid skills and not formal medical training. While you can be important to someone who is injured or ill, you should only provide skills that you were taught in first aid class. You will be responsible to administer that care along with the directions from a trained medical personnel such as a 9-1-1 operator, until someone with more advanced medical treatment arrives on the scene to take over care of stabilizing the patient. If you want to learn more about our first aid classes, contact Ameri Immunization & Wellness Center at 1-877-512-5442.