
Ameri Immunization & Wellness Center offers biometric screening, which utilizes biometric testing as a component of a corporate wellness programs. In this context, it is noted that most health care costs are attributed to chronic illnesses that can be prevented with awareness and better personal health and lifestyle choices in place. For this reason, biometric screening is a beneficial tool for employers to offer to employees to help them take over more responsibility for their personal health. A regular assessment of a person’s health can help reduce health plan costs by identifying employees who may be at-risk for various health issues. By the same token, this screening may be used to help identify people who may need health coaching and education on health options, which can also provide data for any results-based incentive programs that an employer may implement. The use of preemptive screenings will provide employers important information for their future healthcare initiatives.

What is Done in a Typical Biometric Test?

During a typical biometric screening, a person’s height, weight, body mass index, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, resting pulse, blood glucose and fitness tests are measured and recorded. This information is noted and is often used as a benchmark as a baseline in the employee’s health status to show changes in the person’s overall health. The testing is conducted by a medical professional such as a nurse or a doctor, and is performed with a fasting intravenous blood test. This is the most effective option for this type of testing, as finger-stick methods often provide unreliable testing results. Other personal health assessments can be made using other available technology by qualified healthcare personnel.

Biometric health screenings are performed for companies to find ways to reduce health plan costs, because these tests can provide baseline information of an entire group to the insurance company. Screening results and health data cannot be shared with anyone without the employee’s personal consent, but can be accessed by a third-party provider who can provide more direction to employees and employers.  

Learn More About Biometric Screening Today

If you want to learn more about our biometric screening and how it benefits both employers and individuals, contact Ameri Immunization & Wellness Center at 1-877-512-5442.